As He Is
What is Fellowship with Jesus Christ?

    When it comes to understanding the meaning of fellowship with Jesus Christ, each of us is challenged to examine his traditions or experiences in the light of the revelation that God has given us in the Scriptures. This study focuses on what the Scriptures teach about that fellowship. That we are to have fellowship with Jesus Christ is clear from I John1:3: "That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ." Often born-again ones believe our fellowship is walking and talking with Jesus as well as praying to him. But is this belief in agreement with scriptural evidence? This study repeatedly refers to the 14th through 17th chapter of the Gospel of John, since they are pivotal to understanding fellowship with Jesus Christ. In pursuing this topic, it becomes evident that the fellowship we have with Jesus Christ is that by the spirit we share with him in all he has received from the Father. This includes sharing in his access into the presence of God, which gives us confidence to pray to the Father in his name.


Topics Include:
  • The Fellowship of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
  • Fellowship in the Sufferings and Glory of Christ
  • The Context of I John 1:3
  • Prayer, Request and Praise in the Gospels and New Testament
  • Thanks to Jesus Christ
  • Glory Given to Jesus Christ
  • Paul Beseeching Jesus
  • Calling on the Name of Jesus
  • Fellowship in the Sufferings and Glory of Christ
  • In the Name of Jesus Christ
  • A Key to Answered Prayer in His Name
  • The Holy Spirit Sent in His Name
  • The Context of John 14:14
  • Jesus Christ Actively Working in the Church Today
  • Jesus Christ's High Priestly Prayer
  • The Work of the Spirit
  • The Unsearchable Riches of Christ
  • Our Fruitfulness in Christ
  • The Fruit of the Spirit


As He Is
What is Fellowship with Jesus Christ

© Copyright August 2017