Jesus Christ has finished the work for man's redemption.  That is the foundation for our lives as Christians.  Today a popular slogan among many groups is "What would Jesus do?"  Undoubtedly, a more basic question to be answered is, "What has Jesus done?"  This publication considers man's need for redemption and the price that was paid when Christ became our substitute.  The redemptive work of Jesus Christ was foretold in the Old Testament.  The tabernacle provided Israel a picture of their coming Messiah.  The veil, mercy seat, the altars, and the various sacrifices and the offerings all pointed to the one who would come.  The study explores how Jesus fulfilled and terminated the law, becoming the true Passover sacrifice. The relationship between communion and the Passover, and the benefits to us of his sacrifice are then discussed.  The concluding chapter considers the significance of Pentecost and the giving of holy spirit as a result of the finished work of Jesus Christ.
Chapters Include:
  • Jesus Christ's Redemptive Work
  • The Tabernacle and the Covenant of the Law
  • The Mercy Seat and Access to God
  • The Law and the Born-Again Believer
  • The Two Altars
  • The Atonement Money and the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
  • Jesus Christ - The True Passover
  • Communion and the Passover
  • The Benefits to Us of Christ's Sacrifice
  • Pentecost


The Finished Work of Jesus Christ
© Copyright August 2017